

It’s difficult to describe all of the emotions surrounding COVID-19 without feeling repetitive. We see and hear the same things every day: I hope this finds you well, these are unprecedented times, it’s the new normal. How can we investigate the impacts of the pandemic in a way that doesn’t feel exhausted? Moreover, how do we create a conversation about what is truly affecting us? College is an important and fulfilling event for many lives, but how does that change during a pandemic? When our social and academic circles are limited, how do we continue to grow without those around us?

There have been great losses brought about by the pandemic, as well as finer moments. We asked students to reflect on where they were finding hope, what challenges they faced, and how they were getting by (or not getting by). With this project, Lewis & Clark students show us their experiences during a pandemic. Good or bad, COVID-19 has given everyone something to contemplate and share with our community.

Curated by Destiny Gonzalez '22.